Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mid-Winter Vacation #6 (cont.)

I just returned from the zip-line at Smuggler's Notch and I had a BLAST!!! It was not scary at all and you saw all kinds of trees and the actual Smuggler's Notch mountains. There were 8 or 9 (I wasn't counting, but something around that) individual lines, which might not seem like much, but in total, the length of all the lines together, is 4500 feet!!! That's a lot of metal lines. The even cooler part of it is that the people who run the zip-lines, created the course. So they cut down the trees to make the platforms and clear the path, and they are the ones who ran the metal cables throughout the woods. Since I was a kid and only weighed 63-64 pounds, I sometimes got stuck in the middle of the cord so I had to pull myself in by using my hands against the rope until I got to the platform. It took a lot out my arms and legs. There was also a ton of gear to put on such as: chest harness, leg harness, helmet, attachment clips, and more. On the last run, I was told by our instructor, Jay, that it gets steep at the end, so I decided to go with Jay. We went much faster, not that he is heavy or anything like that. (There is no way I would have made it up without the extra weight; I would have been dangling there franticly and it would have taken me hours to get to the top...HOURS!!!).
Today was pretty much the best day EVER!!!

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